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JAPI - (Yet another (hopefully) useful) Java API

(Yet another (hopefully) useful) Java API. Latest release version: 0.9.0

What is JAPI?

JAPI is a Java API intended to make life easier for Java application developers. Currently it is targetted on normal Desktop Java (J2SE). JAPI helps you writing internationalized and localized Swing applications with very little effort and very efficient event handling code. Additionally it contains some useful classes about I/O and XML. Note: JAPI requires J2SE 5.0 or later.


JAPI gets additions for financial calculations. New project member z0ra is adding some classes including unit tests to perform financial calculations with JAPI.

Download JAPI

To download JAPI, go to the Files section of the JAPI Project Page, choose the desired package, release and file type and download it from a mirror of your choice.


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$Date: 2006-06-01 02:15:16 +0200 (Don, 01 Jun 2006) $